Thursday, March 10, 2011

) What is the TED organization about?
the ted organization is to share information about the world like technology and things like that in the website.

2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?

The purpose of the website is to spread new ideas and ways of thinking about technologically inclined, the entertainers and the designers. it shows lilttle videos about those subjects the videos are not that long like that people dont get bore of watching it becuase when they are to long it bores you. the new ideas that it gives you can apply them to alot of things.

3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the “Show talks related to:” section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer

TECHNOLOGY – because the technology is something really important because it creates our future without us realizin. we are learning alot of new ways in our ingeniring class that will help us create some type of technology that will help develope a new thing for the future. technology also makes a object more apiling to people

DESIGN – in our ingeniring class we also care about how the design will look how the visual view will be. becuase if it doesnt have a good design the product will not look good.

SCIENCE- its also need it becuase we have to look at the science behine it and try to make it something better.

4 Michael Pawlyn Using Nature's Genius in Architecture, this video is really usefull because you use architecture and design elements in engineering and because its base in what we are learning.Eythor Bender demos human exoskeletons its not as usefull but for me it gives me ideas because we get to know the human sekeleton and how is base and how engineering has different stops as the human exoskeleton . Thomas Thwaits How I Built a Toaster -- he build a toaster from scratch and he use alot of design and this is a good video becuase it shows that we can do anytthing that we want if we have commitment.

5 This video provides the idea of creating one building that deposits its waste and on the wastes way to another building it would be turned into organic material and it will benefit the other building as well its really interesting becasue it will turn into organic material and it will not affect the earth. that way we can also save the enviorment in some way the design of this building its really interesting.
the way that everything is connected and how we can create a never ending cycle of life andalso how we can persive the worl and make it better it will be a never ending cycle.

6. i can help in multiple ways becuase this days you can help alot its not just about saying it and not doing it because you can search the web and find places and things to be frienddly to the enviorment by creating new designs and more building like this.

1 comment:

  1. Good job figuring out how to get your TED video to embed in your post... not that many students have done that!
