Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the car of the future 2010 model

- i found my advertisement in the magasine fast company in the first page
-its being marketed for a better, smarter and more ingenious cars. it has exclusive features like a 40 gig nav/entertaining system, to the adaptive real-time suspension, to the 280-hp direcct injected v-6. its what others cars are not. it marketing for better cars and making people buy this car because is better then the other ones
-As a team, discuss each of the advertisements selected. Record both team members observations for the advertisement you've selected. Analyze the add using the following Message Analysis considerations:

both of the team members-leticia and lilia
messege content-leticia and i we think that the message of this image is of a better and more ificient car. the message is berry bold becuase its showing you a nice shine car that it looks so nice that it makes you wanna have it.leticia-the image of this car its really bold like lilia say because its not just another car thats what is trying to tell you.

size and shape-lilia- i think the size and the shape are just right because its two pages of the magassing its not just one like a cheap advetisment the size of the car is just right not to big or to small. not saying that when its only one page makes it bad but you dont really get to have a better image of the car.
leticia-i also think that the image its just right like lilia say its just the right lenght and the right color.to make it stand out.
both-we both agree that its just the right size and shape

readibility- letica- i think is easy to read and its not alot of text
lilia-i also think that its easy to read and its not to long that it makes you bore when you are reading it its just the right amouth o text that will keep you interested in the object and you also dont lose focuse

needs the audience - both- we both agree that its catchi becuase of the right use of color its not to bright but just having the red lights on the bad of a silver car it catches your eye.

use proven design and elements-both it does use the right elements and the right use of high and it also seems really hard to make in a computer. like when we make stuff in the computer its hard. it just make us wonder how many steps does it have.

- its important to identefy the trend becuase you have to see what people want it has to be apeling to others because if is not whats the point of putting it in the market. also for you can create new things in your design and make it to a more popular object. it will also help you know what new things you have to add and whats the new thing in the market for you can make a better and improve object

2. the humans play a big role because we determinatee if we like it or not just by seing how it looks and we also catecorased by like if the design is more in the clasie side or more in the outgoing side tings like that. we also determinate if the product will sale of not. we as humans we have become people that want new things and we are always looking for the next thing if we dont think that is the new big thing we will not buy it. i have also realize it also depends on the price becuase if is pricie people want it becuase it makes you look with money.

3. what type of graphic design they are into also. if its the type of peole your type of car will be apieling also i thing to what class of people you want to realite to.

4. what it the audience interested and also whats the new thing that everyone ones for you can create a much better product then the one they like. also you have to realize the price range what audience are you trying to go for the rich the middle class or the lower class it all depend in alot of things but the most important one is what is the new thing and what type of audience are you trying to go for.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

6 Visual Design Elements
Form/ Shape
5 Visual Design Principles
Proportion and Scales

Visual Elements:
o color- cars come in different types of color that attract your eye for you can buy it.
o form/shape- cars come in different shapes like some are small and some are like trucks. also their cars that have been created to have a different shape from the others cars
o texture- the insided of a car sometimes is leder or just fabric.

0 Line- Longitude and latitude lines and state border lines
0 Color-there's a variety of different colors like blue and green, yellow to represent the parts of each country
0 Shape- all the different countrys have a different shape and form from us
0 Texture- you can see the mountains becaause of the bumps thats you see and in the water because their also mountains under water
0 Proportion- it helps to know how far they are from each other

0 color- the different shades of green like ligth green and a darker green also the brown of the roots of the tree
0 lines- the diffeerent directions that the roots are going some are going around and some going down.
0 texture- the texture of the tree it might now be so soft but because their is green around it makes it a little softer then most of the trees

0 colors- shoes come in different types of color and shades.
0 lines- they have different types of lines some are vertical or diagnol and even horizontal becuase thats what make some shoes unique because of the style they have
0 shape and form- shoes have multiple shapes and forms
0 texture- the texture of some shoes are design to have a soft inside and some are just design to look good. the material that is use inside it has to do with what type of shoe you want.

0 color- flowers have different type of color and shades they are design that way to make your eye aware of them
0 texture- they are soft and you have to be gentle with them because they can break easy
0 nunity- the unity of the shades of color in one flower it makes it so beutiful that it makes your eye be atracted to it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1) the challenge was to make a candy machine and to show 4 new types of shape for the candies and a machine that will last and that will be usefull.but in my opinion we made the machine cute and different from other types of candy machines.i work in this project with lilia vargas.

2) Why did you choose the design brief that you chose to work on?i choose this design because i think it is really fun and because i like teddy bears.but i think that the candy machine is a great design because it makes me think about a candy machine that i could use or even buy candy off.the teddy bear is really fun and it could be a great machine because 9 out of ten kids love teddy bears.

3) 1)the problem is to find a new candy machine that will be able to provide consumers with four different shapes of candy and also a machine that will be long and lasting.plus most of all will bring people to the company.in my poinbt of view the biggest problem was making a candy machine overall because i have never make one.2)well we come up with many ideas in the design such making it be plug in to the wall or making it move or even making it talk.but we ended up being realistic with a candy machine that willl last and wont be running out of energy and be braking down all the time.so we come out with the teddy bear machine because it doesnt need to be connected to anything and it will run in quaters and also it will last a while and it will bring people.the other idea we come up with was the square candy machine it starts big from the bottom and it gets smaller this machine is practicle too and it wont need enerygy or batteries every other day.
12} well we communicate our results by the brochure and also by the final design of the teddy bear.

4)1}this is the first candy machine that we design and it is very different from the other ones because has it keeps going out it increases in size and it could be very practicle for a candy store because iss different and it is out  og the ordinary.
2}this is the second machine and has it keeps going up it gets smaller and smaller and in each section their is a shape of the different candys shapes we have come out with this candy machine could be really easy to use because you can push the shape of candy you want and it will realise it.plus it will last a long time because the base is ticker.

3}this is the third candy machine we come up with. i honestly could love a candy machine that is shape like a teddy bear and you dont really see a candy machine like this in any store. this machine could bring a lot of customers and by pressing on the shape thats how the shape of the candy will come out to be.
5) this metrix was out of 30 and the teddy bear got the highest point and also the square..and the upside downt one got the lowest that was below 18. we decided to choose the teddy bear because we think it could be a great atracction fot the company.
this is the brochure for our candy machine i work with leticia.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What was the nature of the problem the ship experienced? they had a fire and they also took forever to feed the people in the ships and the bathrooms didnt work . they also started to lose power . they had to make the coast guard take care of the passengers. but bisides that i think everything when okey because they didnt lose people or people got hurt. they were also able to make the fire stop so it didnt destroy the ship.

What repairs were required? the ingent room had to be repair becAUSE it will be batter and they change the genarator into disol . they also realize that they had more problems so they had to takee it to ssan fransicos for more fixing. the bathrooms they had to fix them.

What impact did the unnexpected arrival of the cruise ship have on the local economy?  they had to refun all the passengers their money and the ship had to cancel alot of trips and it also took jobs becuase people that worked in the ship didnt have a job and also the ship didnt make money so their was no money flowing in the economic